New Stadium Ternana Calcio
Sport center concept
Shopping Center
Medical Surgeries
Padel Sport Center
Urban redevelopment
Reuse ex industrial activity
Urban planning
Palaterni (with Salc Spa / Sintagma Srl) Start of construction 2021
The New Subway (KSM) in collaboration with Sintagma srl and Prota (Turkey)
Terrace restaurant in Labicana Street
Urban redevelopment of the ex Snia Viscosa area
Stand cafeteria and library
Earthquake 2016 / New school Ugo Betti (with Fintecna and Sintagma)
Pedestrian walkway (with Sintagma)
New urban park “La Fenice”
Complesso residenziale/Olgiata
Project of urban renewal
Residential building renovation in the old town center in Possenti Street
City of health (with Sintagma srl / Impresa Pizzarotti & C.)
Urban arrangement in basilica of S.Valentino area
Projects of the shopping centre located in Fontana di Polo area
Preliminary project of commercial spaces
Football stadium concept
Hospital and university complexes concept
Mall concept
Hypothesis of urban-building arrangement
Sports centre redevelopment
Restoration and reconstruction project in Piedimonte locality
New indoor sports arena
Water park situated in Ponte Rio locality
Project of villas and residential buildings in the area of Gabelletta
Project of new urban square with buildings for residential, commercial and directional use in Matteotti area
Project of urban renewal in Terni old town centre
Project of single family and duplex Villas in villa Palma area
Urban arrangement with commercial and directional activities in Fiori area
Urban arrangement and new commercial building
Concept of accommodating, directional and commercial complexes
Project for residential-commercial tower in ex Camuzzi area
Preliminary hypotheses of commercial area urban arrangement
Hotel complex concept
External arrangement preliminary project
Preliminary project of the shopping centre in Rivo locality
Project of commercial-directional building in Gramsci street
Project of medical centre in zona Fiori area
Project for residential-commercial tower in Turati street area
Project for hotel and wellness centre in Valnerina
Project for residential-commercial building in Vitalone street
Project for the renovation of the building from the 1930s
Project for residential building in zona Fiori area
Piazza del Mercato (Market square) architectural-urban arrangement project
Residential project in Ippocrate street
Project for the offices of small and medium-sized companies association in Maratta locality
Project for wellness centre realizzation
Project of new contemporary art museum in Villa Palma area
Residential building in the area of via Tre Venezie street
Restoration project of historical building in Colle dell’Oro locality
Preliminary project of residential building Madonna dell’Olivo area
Residential subdivisions
Residential building in via del Vescovado street
Project of urban arrangement in zona Fiori area
Project of industrial settlement in Maratta locality
Project of directional, residential and commercial building in ex-Bosco area
Landscape and architectural arrangement and restoration project of villa Palma
Project of the square
Project of urban arrangement in former Camuzzi area
Project of urban renewal and realization of directional and commercial building
Project for Aspasiel-Tyssen Krupp Acciai Speciali Terni spa offices building
Project of commercial building in Battisti street
Assindustria new headquarters project, Province of Terni
COSP new headquarters
Hotel tourist complex in Piediluco lake
Project of urban arrangement of Largo Manni
Project of restoration and redevelopment of Fausto amphitheater
Project of the university campus in Basilica of St. Valentine area
Project of urban arrangement in via di Vittorio street
Implementation plan for the block restoration in Angeloni street
Jubilee 2000 accommodation facilities project in the area of Basilica of St. Valentine
Redevelopment project of the Italic sanctuary of Torre Maggiore archeological area
Urban arrangement of Valle Aurelia area
Delta area urban arrangement project
Mediteranean track circuit project
Archeological museum project in via del Vescovado street (Piero Dorazio mosaics project)
Preliminary project of Il Villaggio del Calcio,Pomezia thematic park (group leader, architect Massimiliano Fuksas)
Residential district masterplan
Architectural survey and restructuring plants Casina Valadier al Pincio
Urban arrangement ex vetreria Avir
Industrial abandoned sites renovation urban study commissioned by the European Community in collaboration with Bonifica spa
Hotel project in Fiori area
Hotel project in Nera Montoro locality
Renovation project of the building complex in via del Tritone street
Largo Cairoli arrangement