  • TERNI 2023

    New Stadium Ternana Calcio

  • TERNI 2022

    Sport center concept

  • Arrone 2022

    Shopping Center

  • Narni/ASL2 2022

    Medical Surgeries

  • Collescipoli (TR) 2022

    Padel Sport Center

  • TERNI 2020

    Urban redevelopment

  • TERNI 2019

    Reuse ex industrial activity

  • TERNI 2019

    Urban planning

  • TERNI 2019

    Palaterni (with Salc Spa / Sintagma Srl) Start of construction 2021

  • ISTANBUL 2018

    The New Subway (KSM) in collaboration with Sintagma srl and Prota (Turkey)

  • ROMA 2018

    Terrace restaurant in Labicana Street

  • ROMA 2018

    Urban redevelopment of the ex Snia Viscosa area

  • CHANGSHU (CINA) 2018

    Stand cafeteria and library

  • CAMERINO 2017

    Earthquake 2016 / New school Ugo Betti (with Fintecna and Sintagma)

  • ISTANBUL 2017

    Pedestrian walkway (with Sintagma)

  • HEFEI (CINA) 2017

    New urban park “La Fenice”

  • ROMA 2017

    Complesso residenziale/Olgiata


    Project of urban renewal

  • TERNI 2016

    Residential building renovation in the old town center in Possenti Street

  • TERNI 2015

    City of health (with Sintagma srl / Impresa Pizzarotti & C.)

  • TERNI 2015

    Urban arrangement in basilica of S.Valentino area

  • TERNI 2014

    Projects of the shopping centre located in Fontana di Polo area

  • TERNI 2014

    Preliminary project of commercial spaces


    Football stadium concept

  • EMIRATI ARABI 2013-14

    Hospital and university complexes concept

  • EMIRATI ARABI 2013-14

    Mall concept

  • TERNI 2013

    Hypothesis of urban-building arrangement

  • TERNI 2013

    Sports centre redevelopment

  • TERNI 2013

    Restoration and reconstruction project in Piedimonte locality

  • TERNI 2013

    New indoor sports arena

  • TODI 2013

    Water park situated in Ponte Rio locality

  • TERNI 2013

    Project of villas and residential buildings in the area of Gabelletta

  • TERNI 2013

    Project of new urban square with buildings for residential, commercial and directional use in Matteotti area

  • TERNI 2013

    Project of urban renewal in Terni old town centre

  • TERNI 2013

    Project of single family and duplex Villas in villa Palma area

  • TERNI 2013

    Urban arrangement with commercial and directional activities in Fiori area

  • SANGEMINI 2013

    Urban arrangement and new commercial building

  • EMIRATI ARABI 2012-2013

    Concept of accommodating, directional and commercial complexes

  • TERNI 2012

    Project for residential-commercial tower in ex Camuzzi area

  • VELLETRI 2012

    Preliminary hypotheses of commercial area urban arrangement


    Hotel complex concept

  • TERNI 2011

    External arrangement preliminary project

  • TERNI 2011

    Preliminary project of the shopping centre in Rivo locality

  • TERNI 2011

    Project of commercial-directional building in Gramsci street

  • TERNI 2011

    Project of medical centre in zona Fiori area

  • TERNI 2011

    Project for residential-commercial tower in Turati street area

  • TERNI 2011

    Project for hotel and wellness centre in Valnerina

  • TERNI 2011

    Project for residential-commercial building in Vitalone street

  • TERNI 2011

    Project for the renovation of the building from the 1930s

  • TERNI 2010

    Project for residential building in zona Fiori area

  • TERNI 2009

    Piazza del Mercato (Market square) architectural-urban arrangement project

  • TERNI 2009

    Residential project in Ippocrate street

  • TERNI 2008

    Project for the offices of small and medium-sized companies association in Maratta locality

  • TERNI 2008

    Project for wellness centre realizzation

  • TERNI 2008

    Project of new contemporary art museum in Villa Palma area

  • TERNI 2008

    Residential building in the area of via Tre Venezie street

  • TERNI 2008

    Restoration project of historical building in Colle dell’Oro locality

  • TERNI 2008

    Preliminary project of residential building Madonna dell’Olivo area

  • TERNI 2008-2014

    Residential subdivisions

  • TERNI 2007

    Residential building in via del Vescovado street

  • TERNI 2007

    Project of urban arrangement in zona Fiori area

  • TERNI 2007

    Project of industrial settlement in Maratta locality

  • TERNI 2007

    Project of directional, residential and commercial building in ex-Bosco area

  • TERNI 2007

    Landscape and architectural arrangement and restoration project of villa Palma


    Project of the square

  • TERNI 2007

    Project of urban arrangement in former Camuzzi area

  • TERNI 2006

    Project of urban renewal and realization of directional and commercial building

  • TERNI 2006

    Project for Aspasiel-Tyssen Krupp Acciai Speciali Terni spa offices building

  • TERNI 2004

    Project of commercial building in Battisti street

  • TERNI 2004

    Assindustria new headquarters project, Province of Terni

  • TERNI 2004

    COSP new headquarters

  • TERNI 2004

    Hotel tourist complex in Piediluco lake

  • TERNI 2004

    Project of urban arrangement of Largo Manni

  • TERNI 2003

    Project of restoration and redevelopment of Fausto amphitheater

  • TERNI 2003

    Project of the university campus in Basilica of St. Valentine area

  • TERNI 2003

    Project of urban arrangement in via di Vittorio street

  • TERNI 2001

    Implementation plan for the block restoration in Angeloni street

  • TERNI 2000

    Jubilee 2000 accommodation facilities project in the area of Basilica of St. Valentine

  • TERNI 2000

    Redevelopment project of the Italic sanctuary of Torre Maggiore archeological area

  • ROMA 2000

    Urban arrangement of Valle Aurelia area

  • BRUXELLES 2000

    Delta area urban arrangement project

  • MALTA 1999

    Mediteranean track circuit project

  • TERNI 1997

    Archeological museum project in via del Vescovado street (Piero Dorazio mosaics project)

  • ROMA 1996

    Preliminary project of Il Villaggio del Calcio,Pomezia thematic park (group leader, architect Massimiliano Fuksas)

  • PECHINO 1995

    Residential district masterplan

  • ROMA 1995

    Architectural survey and restructuring plants Casina Valadier al Pincio

  • GAETA 1995

    Urban arrangement ex vetreria Avir

  • TERNI 1993

    Industrial abandoned sites renovation urban study commissioned by the European Community in collaboration with Bonifica spa

  • TERNI 1993

    Hotel project in Fiori area

  • NARNI 1993

    Hotel project in Nera Montoro locality

  • ROMA 1992

    Renovation project of the building complex in via del Tritone street

  • TERNI 1990

    Largo Cairoli arrangement

© 2020 BaldiMargheritiAssociati Design by Francesco Pandolfi